Success Stories
Area: Kalam
Ekta with its worthy, valuable and appealing following characters generated high profits for farmers in Kalam:
- Medium sized plant; can increase the plant population
- Beautiful light green color and round head fruit
- More in weight about 800-1200 grams
- Very less core
- Highly compact
- The desired market rate because of being early in the market as compared to all competitors
We at Haji Sons much pleased and honored to contribute a small part towards agriculture of Kalam-Pakistan.

Farmer: Mansha Papu
Area: Hujra Shah Muqeem
Mr. Mansha is a regular chili farmer, the desi type of chili is liked by most of the vegetable markets in Pakistan. Golden hot F1 is leading the tunnel and open field market of chili from last few years. All the Golden Hot Farmers are earning around 1 million per acre from our best selling variety. We wish all the best to Mr. Mansha Papu and all the farmers of Golden hot along for keep growing this outstanding chili hybrid variety.
Farmer: Raja Rashid
Area: Rawalpindi
Our Variety Bitter gourd – Palee F1 is known for number one export quality Bitter gourd.It feels great to share the success of our varieties and farmer happiness with our followers. You can see the lush green tunnels of Mr. Raja fully loaded with fruit. Raja’s monthly income from his 6 Palee tunnels ranges between PKR 130,000 to 160,000. It’s a pleasure for us to share such outstanding yield results.

FarmerStory: Our tomato seedling farmer Raja Musheer is from Katha Saghral village in Khushab. His tomato field was suffering from diseases due to soil and rainy conditions of the area. The farmers of the area were planning to quit tomato in future.
HajiSons team came on board to provide full technical support to Raja Musheer. We introduced the new technology of “Stacking” in his field with the collaboration of our foreign experts.
Raja was surprised to witness fewer disease attacks blighting his crops while using fewer pesticides than he normally would. Fruit size and per plant yield also increased. Mostly, he is proud that these new techniques have resulted in healthy crops that will boost his income. Although just starting out, he hopes to learn even more about improved farming techniques to further increase his quality of life.
Farmer: Muhammad Naeem
Area: Nokhar, Gujranwala
Mr. Naeem is a watermelon farmer since ages. In the sowing season of 2016, he planned to order his Royal Seedlings for watermelon, that is produced by advanced European Technology Plant at our Seedling Project Farm. He cultivated 3 acres of watermelon and had a wonderful experience with our best round Hybrid Watermelon and Royal Seedlings. The average production from 1 acre was calculated as around 300 mounds, which got excellent market rate due to its perfect size, color, and taste. Mr. Naeem is very happy with his earnings this year and is recommending all the fellow farmers to choose Andaman and Royal Seedlings to lead the agriculture market.

Farmer: Malik Shahbaz Shareef
Area: Bahawalpur.
Cucumbers are best to beat the heat, our best seller brand of hybrid cucumbers Multina F1, performed excellently in Dhanot at Malik Shahbaz’s Farm. He earned a handsome amount monthly from the lush field of Multina. The per plant average was calculated around 7 kg. Our farmer is very happy with the outstanding performance. Now he plans to sow multiple fields of Hybrid Cucumbers.
Farmer: Muhammad Yousaf Kamboh
Area: Kamalia
Spinach is very difficult crop in summers. In June, the hottest month of the year our variety All green got ready for picking in just 1 month after sowing with excellent color and taste. Another extraordinary feature is that the variety is capable of having multi cuttings in just 10-15 days.